We provide support aimed at solving technical issues
If you are having tool related problems and you have a valid support & maintenance agreement, please include the following (if applicable) in the form below:
- Tool type and name
- Serial number
- Version number
- Error:
- What is the problem?
- How/when does the problem appear?
- Can you re-create the problem?
- How can Nohau re-create it?
Nohau Support will help you with issues directly related to the product such as problems concerning installation, questions about licenses and/or tool malfunction.
If you need extended support regarding tool functionality, we will provide this at standard support rates.
» For support contact us:
Phone: +46 (0)40 59 22 26
» For customers without a valid support & maintenance agreement, contact sales to renew:
Sales, phone: +46 40 59 22 00
Sales, email:
Support – IBM, I MicroFocus/Borland, Visure Requirements and XJTAG.
These partners provide global support; contact them directly for your cases.
But as usual, you place the renewal order of Software & Support Subscription at Nohau Solutions’ renewal.