VHDL Language Basics – FPGA Programming and Simulation with VHDL

VHDL Language Basics - FPGA Programming and Simulation with VHDLVHDL Language Basics – FPGA Programming and Simulation with VHDL


Embedded Development & Debugging
Date: On request
Place: Online or onsite
Price: 2.740 EUR, 31.200 SEK, 20.500 DKK

Request more information

Magnus Kindberg (SE, NO)
Phone: +46 (0)40 59 22 22

Heidi Lehtomäki – Finland
phone: +358 40 196 0142

Klaus Ahrensbach – Denmark
Phone: +45 3116 1019

VHDL Language Basics

– FPGA Programming and Simulation with VHDL


  • Comprehend the various possibilities offered by VHDL language
  • Discover the complete design flow
  • Understand the logical synthesis notions
  • Implementing combinational and sequential logic
  • Developing Finite State Machines
  • Learning how to write efficient test benches for simulation
  • Checking Timings
  • Reusing and configuring components

  • Knowledge of digital technology
  • Concepts of Boolean algebra
  • Some programming concepts are desirable (whatever language)
  • Any embedded systems engineer or technician with the above prerequisites.
  • 4 days

Course description

  • Reminder on digital electronic
    • Combinational Logic
    • Sequential (Synchronous) Logic
  • Schematics / Hierarchical representation
  • Structure of an Integrated Circuit
    • SSI (small scale integration), TTL
    • MSI (medium scale integration), PALs, GALs, PLDs
    • LSI (large scale integration), CPLDs
    • VLSI (very large scale integration), ASICs, ASSPs, FPGAs
  • Development of logical architectures
  • Technology constraints
    • Interconnection methods (SRAM, Fuse, AntiFuse, Flash)
    • Clock distribution
    • Logic element types
    • Look Up Table
    • Basic logic cell
    • I/O modules
    • Timing issues
  • VHDL Contributions
    • Benefits of VHDL programming
    • The VHDL Design Flow
    • Programming
    • Simulation
    • Synthesis
    • Mapping
    • Place and Route
    • Timing Analysis
    • Bitstream generation

  • The Entity / architecture concept
    • Entity declaration
    • Ports
    • Different styles of architecture
  • Libraries and context
  • Component instantiation
    • Port map
  • Simulation flow and environment
    • The Testbench
  • Getting started with the IDE
  • Creating a project from scratch
  • Synthesis / Translate / Map / Place and Route (PAR) /BitGen
  • Report Analysis
  • Assigning I/O locations using Planahead (editing constraint file)
  • Schematics Views
  • Analyzing the placement
  • Flashing with Impact
Exercise: Understanding the steps of design and programming
Exercise: Getting started with the simulator, waveform generation and analysis

  • Lexical items
    • Comments
    • Identifiers and keywords
    • Characters, Strings, Numbers, Bit strings
  • Constants
  • Signals
  • Variables and aliases
  • Data types
    • Scalar types:
    • Integer
    • Real
    • Enumerated type
    • Physical types
    • Composite types:
    • Array
    • Record
    • Special types
  • Library and Packages
    • Standard package
    • IEEE packages
    • Std_logic_1164 package
    • Multi-valued types
    • Multi-driver and resolved types
    • Numeric types
  • Type conversion
  • Aggregates
  • Attributes
    • Type attributes
    • Signal attributes
Exercise: Importing a predefined hardware definition in the project, instantiating a component

  • Concurrent instructions
    • Component instantiation
    • Signal affectation
    • Simple affectation
    • With… Select… When statement
    • When… Else statement
    • Unaffected keyword
    • Variable aggregates
    • Relational operators
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Concatenation / Slicing
Exercise: Coding, simulating and synthesizing a bounds enforcer
Exercise: Designing a 7-segment decoder
Exercise: Designing a 4-bit adder

  • Sequential instructions
    • Processes
    • Sensitivity list, Wait statement
    • Potential interpretation incoherencies between logical synthesis and simulation
    • Signal affectation
    • Transparent Latch
    • Use of variables
    • If… Then… Else statement
    • Case… When statement
    • Null statement
    • Iterative statements:
    • For loop
    • While loop
    • Conditional Iteration
  • Numeric_std / Numeric_bit packages
    • Defined Types and Operators
    • Conversion functions
  • Ambiguity about the types and the « use » clause
Exercise: Coding, simulating and synthesizing a bounds enforcer
Exercise: Designing a 7-segment decoder
Exercise: Designing a 4-bit adder

  • Limits of asynchronous designs
  • Synchronous Design, Registers and Timing
  • Pipeline notion
  • D Flip-flop description
  • Use of Variable for synchronous process
    • Variable Synthesis
  • Reset and Set management
  • Clock Enable
  • Tri-state buffers description
  • Synchronous design methodology
  • Memory Synthesis
    • Asynchronous RAM
    • Synchronous RAM
  • Single port
  • Double port
  • Pipelined
    • ROM
    • IP generator introduction
Exercise: Designing a counter/decounter
Exercise: Designing a FIFO

  • Hierarchical division
  • Analysis and Elaboration
  • Components and Configurations
    • Components
    • Configuring components instances
    • Direct instantiation
    • Basic configurations
    • Configuration declaration
    • Default binding
    • Configuration specification
  • Port map and Generic map
    • Genericity and automatic configuration of re-usable modules
  • Packages
    • Package Declarations
    • Package Bodies
    • Using package
  • Libraries
Exercise: Designing a generic 4-digits BCD-counter and displaying it on a 7-segment display
Exercise: Enhancing a 4-bit BCD-counter/decounter to create a generic one
Exercise: Working with configurations
Exercise: Designing a n digits BCD-counter/decounter and displaying it on a 7-segment display

  • Synthesis
    • Syntactic and Semantic Restriction
    • Creating synthesizable Designs
    • Inferring Hardware elements
    • Initialization and Reset
    • Pragmas
  • Testbenches
    • A few basic rules for the writing of an efficient test bench
    • Potential incoherencies between logical synthesis and simulation: how to avoid it
    • VHDL instructions specific to simulation
    • Testbench with File I/O
Exercise: Designing and testing a logical address decoder
Exercise: Simulation of sequential processes
Exercise: Advanced simulation techniques Text files
Course Environment
  • Theoretical course
    • PDF course material (in English) supplemented by a printed version.
    • The trainer answers trainees’ questions during the training and provide technical and pedagogical assistance.
  • Practical activities
    • Practical activities represent from 40% to 50% of course duration.
    • Code examples, exercises and solutions
    • One PC (Linux ou Windows) for the practical activities with, if appropriate, a target board.
      • One PC for two trainees when there are more than 6 trainees.
    • For onsite trainings:
      • An installation and test manual is provided to allow preinstallation of the needed software.
      • The trainer come with target boards if needed during the practical activities (and bring them back at the end of the course).
  • Downloadable preconfigured virtual machine for post-course practical activities
  • At the start of each session the trainer will interact with the trainees to ensure the course fits their expectations and correct if needed
Assessment methods
  • The prerequisites indicated above are assessed before the training by the technical supervision of the traineein his company, or by the trainee himself in the exceptional case of an individual trainee.
  • Trainee progress is assessed in two different ways, depending on the course:
    • For courses lending themselves to practical exercises, the results of the exercises are checked by the trainer while, if necessary, helping trainees to carry them out by providing additional details.
    • Quizzes are offered at the end of sections that do not include practical exercises to verifythat the trainees have assimilated the points presented
  • At the end of the training, each trainee receives a certificate attesting that they have successfully completed the course.
    • In the event of a problem, discovered during the course, due to a lack of prerequisites by the trainee a different or additional training is offered to them, generally to reinforce their prerequisites,in agreement with their company manager if applicable.

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