
CodeSonar  – Software Certification

– In today’s connected economy, more and more systems are controlled by software-based systems.

These systems provide functions ranging from basic to highly sophisticated. From applications such as basic servo actuation in a public water delivery system to crash avoidance systems in the latest generation of automobiles to robotic surgery systems.

Given these increased needs, demands, and their associated safety and security requirements, many industry vertical applications have created development best practices, guidelines, and certification processes.

Static analysis is a crucial capability in supporting all standards. Static analysis simplifies the enforcement of coding standards across teams. Improving the overall compliance for a required certification standard and quality of the code.

We help you:

  • Implement automated enforcement through the deployment of GrammaTech, CodeSonar.
  • Support the documentation requirements of code analysis, supporting standards that include MISRA C, MISRA C++, CERT C, CERT C++, and more.

CodeSonar itself has also been independently certified for use in development of safety-critical software up to the highest safety integrity levels for ISO 26262, EN 50128, and IEC 61508, as demonstrated by the certificate from SGS-TÜV Saar GmbH, an independent third party certification body for functional safety.

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Contact us for offers, information or advice!