Nohau Solutions Nohau Solutions

We Support You

Send your request in this form and we will contact you.
Get in touch

We provide support aimed at solving technical issues!

If you are having tool related problems and you have a valid support & maintenance agreement, please include the following (if applicable) in you support request:

  1. Tool type and name
  2. Serial number
  3. Version number
  4. Error:
    • What is the problem?
    • How/when does the problem appear?
    • Can you re-create the problem?
    • How can Nohau re-create it?

Nohau Support will help you with issues directly related to the product such as problems concerning installation, questions about licenses and/or tool malfunction.

If you need extended support regarding tool functionality, we will provide this at standard support rates.

» For support contact us:
phone +46 (0)40 59 22 26

» For customers without a valid support & maintenance agreement, contact sales for information how to renew your agreement:
Sales, phone +46 40 59 22 00
Sales, email

Do you require more assistance?

If you would like advice on how to configure a tool according to your needs, advice on the best way to address a specific issue etc. you should: Consider our offer on Professional Services and contact us, +46 40 59 22 00

Support – IBM, MicroFocus/Borland and Visure Requirements

These partners offer global support and you should turn directly to these organizations with your support cases.

But as usual, you place the renewal order of Software & Support Subscription at Nohau Solutions’ renewal.

Do you wish more information!

Contact us for offers, information or advice!