Terms of sale


Should the exchange ratio deviate more than +/-2% we reserve the right to adjust the price accordingly. 


The hardware includes, if nothing else is mentioned, a 3 year(s) warranty, that is valid with exception of damage caused by the user. The guarantee implies that defected components or modules are repaired or replaced as soon as possible without any cost for the customer.  quipment sent to us, and where no fault is found, an examinationfee might be charged. 


The software includes, if nothing else is mentioned, support and updates for 1 year(s). Support gives the user right to help and guidance via telephone, or email. All contact is normally held with Nohau’s support department. The manufacturer will correct defects in software or an alternative mode of operation with similar functions will be shown. 

Payment terms  

Interest rate on overdue payment is reference rate 8%:  

The regulations provide that the interest rate will be the European Central Bank (ECB) main refinancing rate (as at 1 January and 1 July in each year) plus 8 percentage points. The ECB rate in force on 1 January and 1 July apply for the following six months in each year. Penalty interest due for late payments should be calculated at a daily rate.With effect from 1 January 2022, the late payment interest rate is 8.00% per annum. 

Delivery terms  

FCA Malmö, Incoterms 2020. Should the delivery contain a product or software that is under a third party license agreement, then the license terms from the third party product or software provider shall apply. The goods remain the property of Nohau Solutions AB, and may not be sold to a third party, until fully paid for. 

License conditions  

The SOFTWARE PRODUCT in this offer is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed based upon an End-User License Agreement (“EULA”) and this license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the program and its use between your organisation  and the licensor of the SOFTWARE PRODUCTS and shall govern in the case of conflict between any other terms. You can download the End User Agreement for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from the Nohau Website at http://nohau.eu/about-us/terms-conditions/ 

Do you wish more information!

Contact us for offers, information or advice!