Functional Safety

We have helped many teams to comply with Safety Standards like IEC 61508, ISO 26262, FDA or EN 50128/129.
There are complex ways to go about it, or less cumbersome, e.g to use certified tools.
Much of the work can be automated if you combine them into an efficient tool chain.


Sysgo PikeOS

Certified RTOS with hypervisor technology for ISO26262, IEC61508, DO-178, EN 50128, EN 62304  compliance.

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CodeSonar – Static Code Analysis

Certified static code analysis for MISRA compliance and ISO26262, IEC61508, EN 50128, EN 62304 Projects.

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IBM for safety-related software

Industry standard Requirements Management with templates for safety critical Projects.

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QA systems

Cantata – Unit test and Coverage

Certifed for use in  ISO26262, IEC61508, EN 50128, EN 62304 Projects.

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Arm Compiler Qualification Kit

Long-term support and managed bug-fixing of the compiler. IEC61508, ISO26262, EN50128, IEC62304 etc.

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embOS-Safe—Certified RTOS for Functional Safety

TÜV Süd Germany has certified the real-time operating system (RTOS) embOS according to IEC 61508 SIL 3 and IEC 62304 Class C.

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Embedded Development & Debugging

Secure Development for Embedded Systems

Next course: 5-7/08/2024
Place: Online
Language: English

Embedded Development & Debugging

Learn Zephyr® – the new Era of Real Time OS

Date: 26-30/08/2024
Place: Online
Language: English

Functional Safety

Develop Safety Critical Applications – based on IEC 61508

Date: 03-04/09/2024
Place: Online
Language: English


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